Practice Makes Permanent Not Perfect

Re-enforcing the wrong method by Practice

Since childhood we are listening to phrase “Practice makes perfect”, and it is true in lot of senses. However, what if, practice is not making us perfect, and it can happen when you are practicing wrong thing or wrong method of doing even the right thing. Its just making the wrong thing permanent.Today I made cake and it was not good and I keep on practicing to bake the cake same way will only reinforce the wrong method and make it itched on the memory stone permanently. What good it will do to my cake baking skills.

First we need to find a perfect way of doing things and then practice with right approach. For a lot of people specially procrastinators for example last minute rush is very important to give them enough kick to complete the task 5 minutes before the meeting starts. Since it keeps on working for them they keep on practicing the same and one fine day they fall in to the pit of rush work. However by that time this practice has deepened so much within them that they are not able to change it. It occupies the mind to the extent, that they start living and behaving in the same way.  

Before practicing something one need to find the perfect way of doing it in order to gain any perfection in it. Right tools techniques and right approach and method is very important before venturing in to practice world. Lot of fast bowler’s actions come in question in the world of cricket, and it is a result of finding their own unique style and practicing it through and through but according the rule books they at times don’t fall within set parameters.

What to follow: Is it the best way of doing it. Is it the best style of public speaking for example- Does it work for me? Does it suit my personality type and my natural pitch and tone of speaking? His natural flow of hand movement or body involvement in talks suit to my line of speaking?

Whom to follow: It’s very important that we select our ideal by thinking thoroughly. Godfather (Mario Pujo) had a great persuasive method, just send the favourite horses head but it does not work in corporate world. Jokes apart we need to find a role model for the task in hand which is nearest to our own personality and relatable. Someone at very high pedestal might be our next role model but for a novice we might need a lower peak to climb, let Mt. Everest wait.

Which method: There are multiple ways to do a task. Which is the best possible method? Discuss and find out before starting. Start from basic and then only move towards the complex areas. One needs a strong foundation to build a strong building and fundamentals needs to be at right place and in right method.

When to follow: There is always a time to start. One fine day you can’t start gymnastics. You have to prepare your flexibility through a series of processes and then only some real hope of gymnastics will be available. Same will be applicable in case of

How to follow: Be mindful of what is the goal or task in hand. The ideal coaching method will be self-help, online training or physical training will only serve the purpose. There are best way to do each task, for pursuing individual goals and for exploring the unexplored. One size don’t fit all. When pedagogy is needed Heutagogy might not work no matter who determined you are.

To sum up, once something is permanent it’s very tough to unlearn. Therefore do it once, do it right and then keep on practicing it to make it permanent.

Happy learning.

1 thought on “Practice Makes Permanent Not Perfect

  1. Dr Anubhuti Dubey June 29, 2020 — 8:13 am

    Same is true if you practice wrong and negative thoughts also. They become permanent in your mind and you become a negative thinker.
    So, be in the company of wise, noble men to think good and do good. 👍


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